Hello! My name is Nicole and I run the Twitter account @saerix aka Aranea Mystica.
I’m an autodidactical student of many subjects including but not limited to esoteric study, illustration, photography, music, and technology.
I strive to provide an informed perspective from a scientific basis but with influences from the largely unexplored realm of the mind and spirit. I use older esoteric resources as a foundation as well as the more modern works that attempted to delve into the mind and its infinite complexity. Discernment is of critical importance to me. This, among other tools I use, is a means to weed out subject matter that is incongruent with scientific study or objective observation. To that end, I also don’t subscribe to any modern cultural labels and hope to maintain this blog as a place of neutrality.
On my Twitter, I have spent the last few years writing about various subjects within these disciplines, to share my curiosities, theories, and experiences. But here, I will also document my expansion into new subjects so that others may benefit from my research.
For now, the majority of my written content is found on Twitter, and my photography on Instagram.
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